Nina Heine
Unternehmensart: StartUp
Mitarbeiterzahl: 1 bis 10
Nominiert in der Kategorie: Global Shero
Beschreibung des Projekts / Startups
Status des Projekts / Startups: Projekt wird gerade umgesetzt / Startup ist gerade in der Gründungsphase
Nina solves with her team the water and energy crisis by turning wastewater treatment plants into hydrogen-producing power plants.
Everyone has the right to clean water. Nevertheless, more than two billion people worldwide do not have access to clean drinking water. Sewage is one of the biggest challenges to the supply of drinking water. However, the disposal of wastewater is expensive and energy-intensive and therefore unattractive - 80% of all wastewater is not treated. Yet wastewater contains up to 3x more energy than is needed to treat it. Nina and her team are developing an off-grid container solution that can harness this energy, e.g. in the form of hydrogen. This turns the sewage sludge contained in the wastewater into a valuable resource and at the same time reduces the biomass that has to be disposed of. The special feature: Shit2Power focuses on small sewage treatment plants that have not yet used any form of energy recovery.
Warum fördert ihr Projekt / Startup die Digitalisierung?
Wastewater treatment is an old economy in need of fresh thoughts and technology to be maintained and scaled with digital twins.
Her SaaS solution translates in sludge as a service. Allowing wastewater treatment plants positive results from day one without heavy investments in the first plays.
Der DFLA steht für neue Ideen und Wege für die heutige aber auch für die Generationen der Zukunft. Welche Wege möchte die Nominierte für künftige Generationen ebnen?
Nina wants to turn wastewater treatment plants into power plants. She considers wastewater as a resource and aims to secure water by leveraging energy production from wastewater to incentivize local wastewater treatment globally. In that way she aims to secure water as a human right and support UN SDG 6 water, sanitation & hygiene SDG 6 (water sanitation + hygiene). Nina believes that software and hardware must go hand in hand especially with the climate crisis at hand, clever built and easy to maintain hardware monitored by software are key to interconnect the virtual and non-digital world.