Darya Yegorina


Nominiert in der Kategorie: Entrepreneurship

Mit welchem Digitalprojekt willst du dich in dieser Kategorie bewerben?

CleverBooks created standards in Augmented Reality empowered products for education by providing STEM certified and global curriculum-based solutions.

Welche Bedeutung hat die Digitalisierung für Deine/ihre Karriere?

It helped to re-shape way of thinking, created unparalleled opportunities for value creation and capture in business. The adoption of digitization in business has created learning opportunities and enlarged outreach for business. It helps me now to reach out to people who can help me to influece and disrupt the education in greating global opportunities for kids around the world.

Warum bist Du/ist sie ein Digital Female Leader?

My global digital outreach: www.cleverbooks.eu/press as an example. It helps to reach out to the world faster compared than before,

Was Führung für mich/sie bedeutet

Primus inter pares: or how to be first among peers. It is an important concept that creates attachment to the leader because is seen as a peer, even though it must be clear that the leader is the number one.