Kira Dianova
Entrepreneur, Product Manager
SafeStreets (own startup)/ NavVis (current employer)
Unternehmensart: Start-up
Mitarbeiterzahl: 101-500
Beworben in der Kategorie: Global Shero
Beschreibung des Projekts / Startups
Status des Projekts / Startups:
Project is currently being realized / start-up is currently in the founding phase
SafeStreets makes cities safer by providing supportive information and personalised safest routes for vulnerable groups of people.
Globally, around ⅓ of the world's population feels unsafe while walking alone, especially at night. As a result, citizens are thinking about their safety first, instead of just going to their destinations and feeling fine.
We assist women, LGBTQ+, and other groups that want to be aware of unpleasant or dangerous situations before them might happen. This way, we bring personalised paths, focusing on unique fears that users are choosing.
Warum fördert Dein Projekt / Startup die Digitalisierung?
SafeStreets is a mobile app, aiming to be accessible to everyone who uses the Internet and feels unsafe due to different reasons.
We consider its UX simplicity, real-time data, and global problem-oriented approach as the main factors towards its scalability, and consequently, its digitalisation around the world. The idea behind it is to increase awareness of gender inequality (5th SDG) and unsafe cities (11 SDG) by providing trusted information and app community support.
Der DFLA und das Motto "Be bold, be brave, be you" stehen für neue Ideen und den Mut, die Erste zu sein. Wo bist du/seid ihr die Erste(n) und Vorreiterin(nen) für andere oder einfach nur mutig genug, du/ihr selbst zu sein?
Being raised in a quite totalitarian and unsafe environment, I always wanted to change my surroundings to be able to create, develop and promote important life values. I changed schools and friends, saved money and knowledge, and one day got accepted to the best German university to start a new life from scratch.
Adaptation was hard, nevertheless, my current surroundings are motivated, brave, leadership-oriented individuals. On the other hand, being a young female immigrant from a non-EU country is still a daily challenge for me. In the end, I know that if once it was possible, it will be possible many times more.