Beate Rosenthal
Senior advisor / former CMO / CDO
Nominiert in der Kategorie: Global Hero
Mit welchem Digitalprojekt willst du die Person in dieser Kategorie nominieren?
Beate is nominated particularly for her leadership in digital acceleration and transformation of brand building teams. As major example, she initiated the "Global Digital Acceleration" and according team at Merck Consumer Health, where she: changed the previously offline business model to integrate digital marketing and selling, built digital capabilities across the global and local organization, established stakeholder partnerships. This included a combination of digital first brand building, on the foundation of much deeper data and consumer understanding, including world-wide social listening. Her teams work was showcased as best practice at Dmexco and at the Mobile Marketing Association, where she is now on the EMEA board.
Welche Bedeutung hat die Digitalisierung für ihre Karriere?
Beate has always been at the forefront of digitalization in brand building from the early days at P&G, where she ran her first training on “the internet” in 1997 to making Braun the #1 eCommerce business for P&G to serving on the P&G Western European Digital lead team until 2015. This is when she joined Merck Consumer Health as CDO building up a digital team and strategy from scratch. She later joined Google, where she helped consult mid and small sized companies on their digital transformation. In her latest role as CMO at Stada took the digital share of mind and share budget to industry leading level. Also in her private life, Beate keeps mentoring friends and family on digital matters, she was for instance on a team developing a webinar helping social services to move some of their activities online.
Warum ist sie ein Digital Female Leader?
Beate has always been supporting diversity in the teams she worked with, both internationally and gender wise. In her corporate roles, she succeeded in putting together diverse international teams, but also leveraging individual strength and helped the work of her team members shine, e.g. at showcasing it at conferences like Dmexco. She acts as role model, is a mentor of young female leaders, startup founders and in the board of Generation CEO, a German speaking female leaders network, where she also promotes women to support women.
Was Führung für sie bedeutet
To Beate, leadership means inspiring and empowering people and teams to have the courage to create the future with their own ideas, while always triggering them to stretch and offering to be a valuable sparring partner.