Yolanda Sylvana Rother
Co-Founder and Managing Director
The Impact Company GbR
Unternehmensart: Start-up
Mitarbeiterzahl: 1-10
Beworben in der Kategorie: Diversity
Beschreibung des Projekts / Startups
Status des Projekts / Startups:
Project is finished / start-up is founded
The mission of The Impact Company is to increase the economic participation of BIPoC (Black, Indigenious and People of Color) by impacting businesses’ goals, strategies and execution, benefitting both people and organizations.
Warum fördert Dein Projekt / Startup die Digitalisierung?
We support companies in becoming more diverse - also in their digital presence. Whether during the recruiting process, in digital branding or on a digital marketing campaign, we offer digital solution approaches for diversity
Der DFLA und das Motto "Be bold, be brave, be you" stehen für neue Ideen und den Mut, die Erste zu sein. Wo bist du/seid ihr die Erste(n) und Vorreiterin(nen) für andere oder einfach nur mutig genug, du/ihr selbst zu sein?
As a daughter of a Jamaican mother who did not receive a high school degree, I am the first to go on to pursue a masters and then found a successful business. I am also brave enough because not only am I a business owner, a woman, a person of color, since 2022 I am also a mother. I am bold, I am brave, I am me!