The Jury
Angela Altenbeck
Head of Human Resources & Organizational Development | Kreissparkasse Böblingen
Diversity means to me:
… an appreciative and equal approach to the diversity of people.
Diana Baltin
Head of Marketing Germany | Merz Aesthetics
Diversity means to me:
Understanding diversity as a strength that leads to better collaboration, creativity and innovation.
Julia Bangerth
Diversity means to me:
Perceiving, recognizing – and celebrating diversity. This is how we make significantly better decisions. And this wonderful human mosaic enriches our world!
Anna Budde
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer | NTT DATA DACH
Diversity means to me:
…a visible corporate culture of tolerance, appreciation, equal opportunities and openness. With the consistent promotion of “be authentic at work”, employees are able to fully develop their personal abilities and make a positive contribution to our customers and to society. For me, diversity is, above all, one thing: absolutely right.
Dr. Sylvia Eichelberg
Chairwoman of the Board | Gothaer Krankenversicherung AG
Diversity means to me:
Diversity provides us with new opportunities and can counter the increasing complexity in companies, but also in our private lives, by offering us more perspectives. Diversity is an enrichment for all of us.
Iman El Sonbaty
Director Sales B2B/ B2C, Marketing & Operations | Stadtwerke Karlsruhe
Diversity means to me:
… the chance to look at the world in a more differentiated way through different perspectives and to therefore be much better as a team. Diversity is fun!
Kerstin Erbe
Managing Director | dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG
Diversity means to me:
…the acceptance and appreciation of all people with all their facets, needs and concepts of life.
Annahita Esmailzadeh
Head of Customer Success Account Management | Microsoft
Diversity means to me:
equal opportunities.
Kristina Fassler
CEO, KF Kommunikationsberatung
Diversity means to me:
…that different people find the best solutions together.
Sandra Freimuth
Head of Corporate Communications / Marketing, Talent Management, Organizational Development | Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe
Diversity means to me:
Diversity is a key element for innovative corporate culture. If we only have people around us who are similar and share the same opinions, nothing new will emerge. This makes it even more important that we set the right course for diversity in companies.
Lunia Hara
Director Project Management | Diconium, LinkedIn Top Voice
Diversity means to me:
…not only to accept the differences of others, but to embrace and use them as something positive.
Liza Kerschbaumer
Category Leader | Amazon
Diversity means to me:
A must for a just society and the basis of an innovative and customer-focused corporate culture. The best ideas, products and services are created when different perspectives meet.
Katharina Klein
Sustainability Manager, EnBW
Diversity means to me:
… all for one and one for all.
Rupert Lehner
Chairman of the Management Board, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Diversity means to me:
…recognising the most diverse needs and starting points, perceiving them and constantly working on their implementation.
Jen Martens
CEO & Founder | ŌMAKA Naturkosmetik
Diversity means to me:
… the recognition and appreciation of diversity in all aspects of life. It is about including and respecting different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, genders, sexual orientations, religions, age groups, abilities and experiences. Diversity for me also means that everyone has equal opportunities and possibilities regardless of their characteristics and backgrounds. It is about including different perspectives to foster innovation, creativity and progress.
Daniel Nagel
Founder & CEO | F/A/Q – The Better Health Group.
Diversity means to me:
… putting focus on talents and celebrating our diversity as a gift.
Tijen Onaran
Entrepreneur and investor; initiator of the DFLA
Why did you create the DFLA?
The Digital Female Leader Award shows: Digitalization depends on those who design it! We need more visible and diverse stories from digital pioneers, because role models motivate and inspire! I’m looking forward to all the stories at #DFLA 2023!
Andrea Ostheer
Manager / Spokesperson Global Corporate Communications | Jägermeister
Diversität means to me:
… the clear and unequivocal call for companies and leaders to make the promotion of equal opportunities and diversity a top priority. It is time to break down existing prejudices and stereotypes and create inclusive work environments where everyone can develop their full potential.
Sally Özcan
Entrepreneur, creator and author
Diversity means to me:
… promoting it in all areas of our society. By celebrating and supporting diversity, we can build toward a more just and harmonious coexistence.
Tanja Rückert
Member of the Board of Management of Robert Bosch GmbH for Digital Business and Services
Diversity means to me:
For me, diversity means the personal gain from individual perspectives, diverse experiences and different life plans. Diversity, equal opportunities and participation are firmly anchored in our corporate values.We value mixed teams because we know that they often produce better results and find better solutions. Different perspectives provide important impulses for new ideas – for business and personally.
Lena Sellmann
Senior Director Sustainability Acceleration, Procter & Gamble
Diversity means to me:
… helping to shape the best imaginable tomorrow.
Birthe Stegmann
Partnerin Sustainable Workforce, Inclusion & Diversity, Health & Wellbeing | PWC
Diversity means to me:
… Variety. Variety brings perspectives and innovation, participation offers opportunities and inclusion creates a “culture of belonging”.
Mirijam Trunk
Chief Crossmedia Officer, Chief Sustainability Officer, RTL
Diversity means to me:
…that all doors are open to all people, no matter what they look like, what gender they identify with, or where they come from.
Kristina Vogel
Founder | Vogel-Perspektive GmbH
Diversity means to me:
…an opportunity for a strong and diverse society! Different perspectives make us smarter and stronger!
Kerstin Wagner
Executive Vice President Talent Acquisition | Deutsche Bahn AG
Diversity means to me:
…the basis for successful and fair cooperation at eye level. Diversity is a crucial success factor for companies. Diverse teams with different perspectives enable us to absorb new impulses. They stand for diversity of opinion, robust decisions and, above all, innovation – and they more accurately reflect the wishes of our customers.
Dagmar Zoder
Head of Strategy & Solutions | Adobe
Diversity means to me:
… tolerance, variety & variability in the construction of thinking figures.
Leila Zohaib
Investor Relations Managerin & Founder (TMA)
Diversity means to me:
… Acceptance and affiliationat all levels. This includes reflecting on one’s own privileges and recognising that innovation and sustainability can only be achieved through intersectional inclusion of society.