Jury 2024

Angela Altenbeck

Head of Human Resources & Organizational Development | Kreissparkasse Böblingen

Expertise in 3 hashtags:
#Living creativity
#Shaping change
#Inspire people

Julia Bangerth

Deputy Chairwoman of the Executive Board and COO & CHRO | DATEV eG

Expertise in 3 hashtags:
#optimist for change

Kerstin Erbe

Managing Director | dm-drogerie markt

Expertise in 3 hashtags:
#brand management

Zeliha Hanning

CEO of Württembergischen Versicherung AG | Württembergische Versicherung AG

Expertise in 3 Hashtags:

Nadine Junker

People Lead Architecture & User Experience | Deutsche Telekom AG

Expertise in 3 hashtags:

Gabriele Kellermann

Deputy Chairwoman of the Management Board | BBBank eG

Expertise in 3 hashtags:

Katharina Klein

Head of Sustainability | EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

Expertise in 3 hashtags:
#Business models for decarbonization technologies
#Energy industry
#Political framework conditions

Tijen Onaran

Entrepreneur and investor; initiator of the DFLA

Why did you create the DFLA?
The Digital Female Leader Award shows: Digitalization depends on those who design it! We need more visible and diverse stories from digital pioneers, because role models motivate and inspire! I’m looking forward to all the stories at #DFLA 2023!

Sandra Rathmann

Manager Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Robert Bosch GmbH

Expertise in 3 hashtags:

Kerstin Wagner

Leiterin Personalgewinnung / Head of Talent Acquisition; Co-Lead Zukunft-Lab “Berufe der Zukunft” | Deutsche Bahn

Expertise in 3 hashtags:
#Inspirational Leadership
#Actionable Innovation