Dana von der Heide
Founder and Chief Commercial Officer
Parcel Perform
Applied in the category: Innovation
With which digital project do you want to apply in this category?
Today’s global e-commerce boom sees increasing parcel volumes and in turn, customer service tickets enquiring on the status of parcels. Parcel Perform is filling a crucial gap in the industry by pioneering an effective Machine Learning-enabled date-of-arrival prediction (DAP) engine.
Globally, only 5% of carriers provide an estimated date of delivery and this data point is often inaccurate. We identified a unique opportunity to leverage large amounts of logistics data to further data-centricity and innovation in last-mile. Parcel Perform partnered with AWS to build our Date of Arrival Predictions (DAP) engine using machine learning technology to tell customers when their parcels arrive, instead of where they are at the moment. With DAP, merchants can get accurate delivery date predictions which automatically update in real-time based on changes in the environment.
After several proofs-of-concept, we are proud to say that through the stages from checkout to delivery, the level of accuracy increases based on data availability. At checkout, the prediction accuracy is up to 90%, and this increases up to 98% during the out-for-delivery stage.
Compared with our competitors in the market, we have the most comprehensive coverage with 700+ carriers integrated worldwide and unmatched structured data quality. In comparison, competing solutions are developed by individual logistics carriers and limited to that carrier. They also lack in-transit updates in real-time.
DAP is positioned to meet the needs of two customer groups: First, e-commerce merchants and marketplaces who want to deliver an outstanding post-purchase experience for their customers; our customers have seen increases of up to 40% in their customer lifetime value. Second, industries that benefit from the up-to-date predictions when connected to their respective Enterprise Road Planning (ERP) systems. These include B2B supply chains and logistics carriers, saving up to 20% in shipping costs from more visibility on their shipments.
How does digitization shape your career?
Digitalisation is the cornerstone of my career; more importantly, it is the driving force behind me founding Parcel Perform, the leading delivery experience platform for businesses worldwide.
My previous roles at DHL Group advising on e-commerce strategy highlighted something crucial: the key ingredient enabling informed decision-making in e-commerce logistics was missing - refined data. Logistics has long relied on inefficient analog methods and manpower to collect and analyze data. Data silos and time lags were common, hindering business owners from making time-sensitive, data-driven decisions that would help reduce costs and provide customers with a superb delivery experience.
The industry needed streamlined data on the movement of goods and carrier performance in a standardized and centralized format, but lacked solutions for digitalisation. With the global e-commerce boom and supply chain disruptions looming in the background, the logistics industry was under pressure to keep up with global demands. Passionate about tech and e-commerce logistics, I stepped up to kickstart digital innovation within the industry.
In 2016, I founded Parcel Perform, thus creating the first true standard for parcel tracking data - utilizing our proprietary data aggregation and standardisation capabilities . By achieving real-time visibility of tracking data, analytics and reporting on the platform, we are helping businesses reduce customer service costs by 30% and increase customer lifetime value by up to 40%. To date, Parcel Perform has helped thousands of businesses digitalise e-commerce logistics.
What makes you a digital female leader?
In a sector that is both male-dominated and where women are easily overshadowed by their male counterparts, I have subverted expectations in all aspects: I kickstarted my career in corporate development at DHL Group Asia and founded a global SaaS logistics technology startup. I am not just a woman in tech, I am one of the very few female leaders in the logistics industry. This is also why I strive toward equal gender representation when hiring for my own business - it is time for logistics to welcome more female perspectives and qualities.
My ambition is to pioneer digital transformation in e-commerce logistics with passion, empathy and conscious collaboration. In the “new normal” where disruptions are inevitable, I hope that my efforts help advance the industry, build excellent last-mile fulfilment and empower business owners to make data-driven decisions.
I am proud to call myself a nerd, specifically in e-commerce logistics and tech. This has allowed me to contribute in the following ways:
- Advisory board member of the German Logistics Association (BVL -
Bundesvereinigung Logistik).
- Part of the distinguished eFounder Fellowship program by Alibaba, a network of international entrepreneurs and business leaders passionate about driving digital transformation.
- Awarded the Supply Chain Leadership Award - Startup in 2019, by Singapore’s Logistics and Supply Chain Management Society
- Recognised as one of the most promising female talents in the logistics industry by Maersk Growth
- I also co-host ‘The Logistics Tribe’, a podcast series where I deep-dive into the world of global logistics and supply chain management.
What does leadership mean to you?
I believe in conscious leadership and leading by example - enabling teams, facilitating problem-solving and empowering people to make the right decisions for the business and for their personal growth.