Katharina Unger
Entrepreneur, Industrial Designer, Speaker, Inventor
Livin Farms
Unternehmensart: StartUp
Mitarbeiterzahl: 11 bis 50
Nominated in the Category: Sustainability
Description of the project / start-up
Status of the project / start-up: Project is currently being realized / startup is currently in the founding phase
Livin Farms has developed a highly scalable and modular construction system for fully automated insect factories for rearing insects. Technology includes an interface for processing waste into insect feedstock, rearing, robotic insect handling, and end product processing. Livin Farms offers “Farming as a Service” to industrial customers. This includes Plug&Play technology, together with bi-weekly baby larvae shipments as well as a monitoring and service component. Customers operate automatic Hive PRO technology to grow out baby larvae on-site within only 1 week then process them into high-value end products for sale.
Why does her project / start-up promote digitalisation?
Our target here at Livin Farm is to expand our operations worldwide by expanding seedlings factories to produce seedlings globally.
The DFLA stands for new ideas and paths for today's but also for the generations of the future. What paths would the nominee like to pave for future generations?
Create a sustainable future