DFLA 2021 Host: Deutsche Bahn
The DFLA 2021 with the Journey to Diversity 2021 Awards Ceremony.
Nov 8th to Nov 25th 2021
18 categories, 860 applications from 41 countries worldwide, 40,000 votes for the #AudienceAward, 9 cities travelled to and 20 unique female winners (2 pairs of winners). Our unique fourth Digital Female Leader Award #DFLA21 and an 18-day unforgettable #JourneyToDiversity came to an end.
A tour like never before: Between 8 and 25 November 2021, we travelled to the 20 winners of the #DFLA21. We got to know the winners and their projects, had exciting conversations with them and told their stories that got under their skin.
Our journey to diversity took us across Germany: from Berlin to Leipzig, Halle, Münster, Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, Fellbach and Munich to Karlsruhe. The GDW team travelled with the various sustainable mobility services of Deutsche Bahn, the host of the Journey To Diversity 2021 and sponsor of the Mobility category.
The Digital Female Leader Award 2021 was an enormous success. Now we are looking forward to the fifth round and increasing the visibility of even more phenomenal women through the #DFLA22.
Tijen & your DFLA team
#YesSheCan #JourneyToDiversity #femaleempowerment #rolemodel #award #DFLA21 #DFLA22
Data, Facts & Figures About the DFLA21
DFLA 2021 Winners
Look Back at the Journey to Diversity 2021
DFLA 2021 Jury
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin Achleitner
TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professor & Member of the Supervisory Board at Linde, Munich Re | TU München, Linde, Munich RE
Diversity means to me:
Diversity is not just a question of gender and skin color. Diversity is also about origin, age, experience, education and much more. It is in the company’s interest to reflect and live diversity in all its dimensions.
Julia Bangerth
Diversity means to me:
Perceiving, recognizing – and celebrating diversity. This is how we make significantly better decisions. And this wonderful human mosaic enriches our world!
Thelma Buabeng
Diversity means to me:
My lived reality
Anna Budde
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer | NTT DATA DACH
Diversity means to me:
…a visible attitude of a corporate culture of tolerance, appreciation, equal opportunities and openness. By consistently promoting “be authentic at work”, we want to make the special skills of our employees visible and grow and be unique as a company through them. As a member of the Executive Board and Chief Marketing & Communications Officer of NTT DATA, I see us as a Trusted Global Innovator in a role model and drive transparency and measurability for diversity.
Diversity has a demonstrable, measurable, scalable positive business impact. It has a lasting impact on the areas of customers, markets and innovations, creates higher revenues and satisfaction, and above all it is one thing: Absolutely right.
Dr. Sophie Chung
CEO & Founder | Qunomedical
Diversity means to me:
… a colorful, open world.
Sarah Dovlo
VP Employer Branding and Internal Communication | Deutsche Telekom
Diversity means to me:
Mutual appreciation and recognition of different perspectives. If we promote a diverse mindset in collaboration, we can satisfy customer needs even better, create an inspiring working environment and thus drive innovation.
Dr. Silvia Eichelberg
Chairwoman of the Board | Gothaer Krankenversicherung AG
Diversity means to me:
… to value the uniqueness of each person and to see the differences between people as an opportunity.
Diversity provides us with new opportunities and can counter the increasing complexity in companies, but also in our private lives, by offering us more perspectives. Diversity is an enrichment for all of us.
Kerstin Erbe
Managing Director | dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG
Diversity means to me:
For me, diversity means the acceptance and appreciation of all people with all their facets, needs and life concepts.
Kristina Fassler
General Managerin Marketing & Commercial Sales | WELT
Diversity means to me:
… the fascination of different perspectives and approaches to solutions and thus great happiness.
Sandra Freimuth
Head of Corporate Communications, Marketing, Talent Management, Organisationsentwicklung | Hauck & Aufhäuser
Diversity means to me:
Diversity is a key element for innovative corporate culture. If we only have people around us who are similar and share the same opinions, nothing new will emerge. This makes it all the more important that we set the right course for diversity in companies.
Laura Gehlhaar
Consultant, Coach
Diversity means to me:
… the visibility and acceptance of intersectionality.
Dr. Katrin Gruber
Director Consumer Insights & Innovation | Amazon
Diversity means to me:
To me, diversity means that everyone can raise their own voice to make our future better with their ideas – and that every single voice is heard.
Mag. Albert Hannak
Partner Financial Advisory | Deloitte Österreich
Diversity means to me:
To me, diversity means that creativity and innovation in different areas of life are fostered and elevated to a new dimension through the diversity of perspectives and points of view, making our lives more open, intelligent and heartfelt.
Gabriele Hässig
Managing Director Communication & Sustainability | Procter & Gamble DACH
Diversity means to me:
Openness in thinking.
Dr. Jan Ising
Managing Director, Life Science Industry Lead DACH & Gender Network Lead DACH | Accenture
Diversity means to me:
… the key to change, it makes us strong and is the driver of our innovative power.
Christian Pokropp
Head of Corporate Communications, Head of Group HR | Klöckner & Co SE
Diversity means to me:
… using different perspectives for innovation.
Miriam Kotte
Head of Digitale Transformation | Deutsche Bahn AG
Diversity means to me:
… that my two nieces have the same professional opportunities as my two sons.
Alena Kretzberg
Divisional Director Digital Banking & Marketing | comdirect
Diversity means to me:
… the mapping of our reality. We live in a world that is characterized by diversity. I would like us to see, recognize and shape this diversity. To achieve this, we must continue to work on strengthening role models. In the area of finance, we are already doing this with our finanz-heldinnen initiative. In all other areas, I am pleased about the strong cooperation with the DFLA.
Dr. Claudia Milbradt
Partner | Clifford Chance
Diversity means to me:
Diversity of knowledge and life experience
Brigitte Mohn
Board member | Bertelsmann Stiftung
Diversity means to me:
Creating a wide space for innovation and system change across the globe driven by justice and fairness.
Sabine Müller
CEO| DHL Consulting
Diversity means to me:
To me, diversity means creating a workplace where everyone has equal opportunities and everybody’s voice has the same value.
Janina Mütze
Co-Founder and Managing Director | Civey GmbH
Diversity means to me:
Future. We are experiencing massive upheavals in our society. New technologies and business models are determining how we live. It is important to me that these ideas are shaped by as many people as possible for as many people as possible. Because now we are deciding how we will live in the future.
Daniel Nagel
CEO/Chairman | ohhh! foundation
Diversity means to me:
… shining a light on talent and celebrating our differences as a gift.
Tijen Onaran
Founder & CEO | Global Digital Women
Why did you create the DFLA?
The Digital Female Leader Award shows: Digitalization depends on those who design it! We need more visible and diverse stories from digital pioneers, because role models motivate and inspire! I’m looking forward to all the stories at #DFLA 2021!
Claudia Oeking
Director External Affairs | Philip Morris GmbH
Diversity means to me:
… the basic framework of our democratic society, which we need to expand much more, so that the basic framework becomes a solid pillar.
Juan Perea Rodriguez
Head of Sales Central Europe and CEO of Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
Diversity means to me:
For me, diversity means first and foremost appreciation, without exclusions and prejudices.
Iris Rothbauer
Head of Public Relations | Telefónica Deutschland
Diversity means to me:
To me, diversity means treating each other with appreciation and respect and incorporating diverse perspectives, whether in a social, professional or private context – to the benefit of us all.
Birthe Stegmann
Partner Human Capital, Talent Acquisition, Inclusion & Diversity Leader | PwC GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Diversity means to me:
… diversity. That which we all have in common.
Kerstin Wagner
Head of Talent Acquisition | Deutsche Bahn AG
Diversity means for me:
… the prerequisite for successful work! Mixed teams stand for diversity of opinion, robust decisions and encounters at eye level, reflect customer wishes better and, above all, enable innovation.
Sara Weber
Digital strategist, manager and journalist
Diversity means to me:
… that no one is the only person in the room who has to speak for an entire group.
Brigitte Zypries
Former Federal Minister | Self-employed
For me, diversity means:
… more justice and the key to economic success.